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[해외] German trade fair industry cautiously optimistic...


German exhibitors are cautiously optimistic about their trade fair plans for the next two years. In 2010/2011, 20 % of companies intend to take part in more trade fairs than in 2008/2009, with 20 % aiming to take part in less. Exhibitors clearly recognise that if they want to encourage business growth there is no point in reducing face-to-face communication. This was underlined by Hans-Joachim Boekstegers, Chairman of the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA), at the association's Autumn press conference on 11 November 2009 in Berlin. The results are based on a representative survey by TNS Emnid which polled 500 German companies who exhibit at fairs which mainly target trade visitors.

Overall, in 2010/2011 companies intend to attend an average of 5.5 domestic trade fairs, only marginally less than in 2008/2009 (5.7). By contrast, German exhibitors plan to take part in less trade fairs abroad. Over the next two years 14 % of the companies polled intend to take part in more trade fairs, 18 % in less. During the same period the average number of trade fairs they aim to take part in will fall from 3.2 to 2.8. Only a year ago they had planned to take part in more trade fairs. AUMA Chairman Boekstegers: The decline in exports has clearly left its mark.

AKEI 주관행사 유관기관 패밀리사이트
(우:05556) 서울특별시 송파구 올림픽로 82(잠실동 175-9)
잠실현대빌딩 9층
Tel: 02-574-2024. Fax: 02-574-2696

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