교육 과정 소개

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교육 과정 소개

글로벌 전시 과정(CEM: Certified in Exhibition Management) 이란?

  • 미국전시협회(IAEE: International Association of Exhibition and Events)가 전시산업 재직자 전문성 강화를 위해
    개발하여 1975년부터 현재까지 운영하는 교육 프로그램으로 국내 전시산업의 국제경쟁력을 강화하기 위해 2009년부터
    한국전시산업진흥회가 관리 운영
  • 현재 우리나라 외 브라질, 중국, 인도, 멕시코, 포르투갈, 사우디아라비아, 싱가포르, 스페인, 타이완, 타이 등 10개국에서
    글로벌 전시 과정을 운영하고 있음

신청 및 수료 요건

  • 신청 요건: 전시컨벤션 산업 경력 3년 이상
  • 수료 요건: 3년 이내 9개 과정 이수(미국전시협회 수료증 별도 발급)
  • 수료 유지: 수료 후 3년마다 15시간 글로벌 전시 과정 심화 과정 등 수료 유지 재교육을 이수해야만 미국전시협회 수료증 유지

교육 개요

  • 개설시기: 7월 12월 각 1회 / 연 2회
  • 개설과정: 7월 12월 각 3과정 / 연 6과목
  • 비      용: 250,000원 / 1과목(집체 기준이며, 온라인 전환 시 별도 고지)
  • 특이사항
  • - 미국 등 글로벌 공인 외국인 강사가 영어로 강의 진행
  • - 9개 과목 이수에 최소 1년 반 소요

교육 과정홈페이지 바로가기

구분 과정명 과정내용

Event Operations

글로벌 전시회 운영

Your exhibition is only a few days away. As a manager, you have spent the past months planning and organizing your exhibition. Planning and organizing are management functions conducted during the preparation stages of an exhibition. Once you move your operation on site and bring your exhibition to life, so to speak, your management functions switch to dicecting and controlling.
2 Event Maketing
글로벌 전시회 마케팅
Event marketing includes attendee promotion and exhibit, sponsorship and adverting sales, and how various marketing approaches are integrated to create an overall event strategy that draws on each component to create a successful event or exhibition. The exhibition manager faces the constant challenge of selecting the best methods and strategies to market their events and to effectively convey the marketing message to their target market.
3 Exhibition & Event Sales Fundamentals
글로벌 전시회 세일즈
Selling is tough, and in order to succeed, you need to constantly and proactively seek prospects that have a need for your event. Most exhibition industry veterans will say that the key to selling exhibit space is built on establishing relationships. In addition to selling exhibit space and other marketing opportunities at your event, it is up to you as sales professional to attend industry and competitive events, read trade publications, and constantly look for ways to network and nurture all types or relationships that will benefit your event.
4Floor Plan Development
글로벌 전시회 공간 기획
Exhibitions not only support industry and market segments, they fuel local economies and overall business travel is a multimillion dollar industry in its own right. To remain competitive and virable in the exhibition industry, organizations that plan, manage, or own exhibitions and events must continually define and review their strategies, measure where their event falls with in a particular market segment, position the event or organization to meet or beat the competition, and develop plans to assure business continuity and success.
5 Facilities and Site Selection
글로벌 전시회 베뉴 선정
Effective event management addresses the identification and management of potential risks to the safety of attendees and exhibitors. Risk assessment and management, identify and managing. security needs, and the management of crises and emergencies are considered throughout the advance planning process and on-site management of exhibitions and events.
6 Selecting Service Contractors
글로벌 전시회 서비스업체 선정
Meetings and meeting management in a myriad ro formats such as educational programming, business and committee meetings, receptions, special events, room block, and sleeping room management are all an integral part of most exhibitions / events. Exhibition managers must process a working knowledge of the activities and functions related to meetings and master the skills to address this different set of logistics than those related to the management of the exhibition.

Strategic Planning

and Management

글로벌 전시회 전략 기획

With every new or established exhibition three are basic steps taken during the initial planning and development stages that lay the groundwork for the entire event. One of the first critical steps is the development of a strategic and accurate floor plan. The floor plan is working design document that becomes the exhibitions marketplace and is a selling tool to attract the targeted exhibitor-base to a show.

Conference and Meeting

Management Principles

글로벌 전시회 부대행사 운영

The importance of strategic planning to ensure ad successful exhibition can ever be stressed enough. High on the list of early planning strategies is the selection of the perfect site that meets or exceeds the needs of the proposed exhibition. Choosing an appropriate facility is not a matter of just looking for a "large, empty box." Choosing the perfect building in the wrong location can do irreparable damage and vice versa. Making the right decision in site selection requires gathering and analyzing a large amount of input from all stakeholders.

Security, Risk and

Crisis Management

글로벌 전시회 위기 및 보안 관리

An exhibition can only be produced by a mutual effort of multiple entities, many or which exist outside the sponsoring organization. A substantial propotion of the exhibition or event organizer's job is to shop the industry for services and products needed and to contract for their services.

Consumer Show Management

글로벌 B2C 전시회 운영

Consumer (public) shows are exhibitions and events in which companies in a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their latest products, services and activities to public consumers. Consumer show organizers must possess a working knowledge of the activities and functions related to consumer shows and master the skills to address this different set of logistics than those related solely to the management of a private tradeshow or event. This program provides attendees with the skills necessary to effectively produce a successful consumer show.
11 Finance, Budgeting, and Contracts 
글로벌 전시회 예산 및 계약 관리
Understanding the application of accounting, finance and budgeting fundamentals allows the exhibition organizer to make a greater contribution to the growth and financial success of the organization. It is essential the exhibition organizer know the terminology used in financial management to develop a budget and manage the financial strategies of the exhibition. A well-developed and well-administered budget is crucial to enabling the exhibition organizer to accurately project and monitor income and expenses, track cash flow and cost controls and ultimately measure the success of the event and the organization’s return on investment.
12 Housing & Registration Management
글로벌 전시회 참가자 등록
Additional services provided to attendees and exhibitors by the exhibition and event organizer require an understanding of the needs of the guests as well as a working knowledge of hotel operations. Two of the service elements intrinsic to most events today are arranging for accommodations of guests and identifying which guests will be allowed access to which portion of the event.
13 Digital Events Management
글로벌 전시회 디지털 운영
Digital Events have become increasingly popular, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2021. These types of events were initially designed as an alternative method of bringing event attendees together that made sense both economically and environmentally and as part of a company’s overall digital transformation strategy. Since the pandemic, such experiences have been developed as necessary to fill meetings, and many feel digital events will most likely remain in demand even post-pandemic. More and more companies are building out hybrid event strategies that will play up the advantages of producing face-to-face events while extending their reach by including a digital component. Only time will tell us for sure.

  • CEM 자격갱신 관련 변경사항 알림
  • 교육 신청 방법홈페이지 바로가기

    • 본 교육 수강을 위해서는 한국전시산업진흥회 컨소시엄 홈페이지(hrd.akei.or.kr) 회원가입 및 교육 신청 진행 


    AKEI 주관행사 유관기관 패밀리사이트
    (우:05556) 서울특별시 송파구 올림픽로 82(잠실동 175-9)
    잠실현대빌딩 9층
    Tel: 02-574-2024. Fax: 02-574-2696

    개인정보 처리방침
    찾아오시는 길
    주한외국공관초청설명회 산업통상자원부 중소벤처기업부 소상공인시장진흥공단 전시장 온라인 등록시스템 전시UP 전시산업 구인구직 전시회 정보포털 쇼알라 GEP글로벌전시포털 전시장안전관리교육시스템 소상공인협동조합 판로지원사업 한국전시디자인연감 전시산업 인력양성 및 교육
